fanheart3 awards fanlion

fanheart3 awards 2020

Collateral Award at the 77. Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica de La Biennale di Venezia

To celebrate movies and immersive experiences at Venezia77 that can potentially impact fan culture and the production of fanworks

The Awards 2020

Golden Clip
for best movie

To the film that has the highest potential to become a cult movie among fans

Silver Ship
for best OTP

To the couple of characters (actual or potential) that is most interesting for the narrative dynamics that characterize their interactions.

fan experience

To the work in virtual reality closer to fan culture’s themes and contents

directed by Bruce La Bruce

Abigail/Tallie from The World to Come
directed by Mona Fastvold

Baba Yaga directed by
Eric Darnell & Mathias Chelebourg

In the 2020 edition the fanheart3 awards jury also awarded a special mention to The Metamovie Presents: Alien Rescue, directed by Jason Moore. This work, in fact, gives the user not only the chance to join the story, but also the possibility to become its co-creator. It also opens up surprising interactive possibilities as the “hero”, allowing the user to be the main character of the story and to decide what kind of relationship they want to have with the others.  

The Competition

The Golden Clip and the Silver Ship for best OTP were assigned to a title in a selection of 15 films chosen by a team of experts on fan culture and participatory dynamics in the following sections: Venezia77 In Competition, Out of Competition, Orizzonti, Giornate degli Autori, Settimana della Critica.

The VR Fan Experience was assigned to one out of 10 experiences in VR selected among those presented at VeniceVR Expanded.

Winners of Fanheart3 Awards were announced on Saturday, September 12, on the closing day of the Venice Film Festival at Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo event.

Nominations 2020



The 2020 Jury

Agnese Pietrobon

President of fanheart3, fandom studies researcher, VR explorer

Susanna Norbiato

Founding member of fanheart3, fandom studies researcher, documentarist

Cristina Saccon

Founding member of fanheart3, fanwriter and fanartist

Francesca Bulian

New media researcher, writer, art and cinema critic

Antonino Crisafulli

Theatre actor and communication psychologist

The prize of fanheart3 awards 2020

Biorfarm - Adopt a tree and start creating your own digital field

Fanheart3 decided to adopt three fruit trees on behalf of the winners of fanheart3 awards 2020.
Visit biorfarm website to find out how to create your favorite bio tree and to support Italian farms

The tree adopted were the following:

"Babayaga": Williams pear tree, Azienda Agricola Lorenzo Sacchetto

"Abillie": tarot orange tree, Azienda Agricola Biologica Vanella

"Narcisse": hazlenut round tree dear IGP in shell, Cooperativa Naturalmente

Download the press material


(IT) Premi collaterali della 77. Mostra, su La Biennale Cinema
(IT) VENEZIA 77 – Allo Spazio FEdS la consegna di alcuni premi collaterali, su, 11/09/20
(IT) VENEZIA 77 – I premi dei Fanheart3 Awards, su, 12/09/20
(IT) Seconda edizione dei fanheart3 awards alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia, su Darkside Cinema
(ENG) fanheart3 awards 2020: second edition at the Venice Film Festival, su, 31/08/20
(IT) Assegnati i premi collaterali della 77ª Mostra internazionale d’Arte cinematografica, su Leggi La Notizia, 12/09/20
(ENG) ‘Nomadland’ Wins Golden Lion Award at Venice Film Festival, The Wrap, 12/09/20

– to be updated

"When we talk about “movies for fans” we are not reducing the inner quality of these movies, nor are we simply calling them “mainstream”. On the contrary, we want to emphasize that these movies have something more, a potential, which goes beyond even their artistic value. Some of these movies could be noticed beyond film festivals and the cinephile niche. Their characteristics transform them into potential cult movies and therefore allow them not only to influence the cinematographic production for years to come, but also to do something that beautiful but less fan-oriented films are unable to realize: to have a 360° impact on our culture and hopefully move younger people (and not only) to a better awareness of our society and of the challenges it’s facing."

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