fanheart3 awards fanlion

6th Fanheart3 Awards

Collateral Award at the 81th Venice International Film Festival, La Biennale di Venezia

To celebrate movies and immersive experiences at Venezia81 that could impact fan culture and the production of fanworks.


Golden Clip
for best movie

To the film that will become a cult movie among fans

Silver Ship
for best OTP

To the characters whose relationship most closely match the typical tropes of fan culture and 'shipping'

Fan Experience

To the immersive work that, in terms of content, storytelling and storyliving dynamics, best meets the interests and needs of fan communities in terms of emotional and mental involvement

Winners and Nominees

Fanheart3 awards 2024 Golden Clip

Golden Clip for best movie to Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
by Tim Burton

For bringing a fandom popular in all its transpositions back into the limelight, and reviving a forgotten Tim Burton, back with a film that entertains and leaves the door open for potential sequels (Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, anyone?)

Fanheart3 awards 2024 Silver Ship

Silver Ship for best OTP to the two lonely wolves of Wolfs
by Jon Watts

For exploring one of shipping's most popular tropes- the enemies to friends (to lovers) one- and offering the audience two characters who are interesting individually, but express their full potential in the couple dynamic, opening the film to fanon rewritings that will find ample space on social media, starting with the idea of extended family that is ironically presented in the film

Fanheart3 Awards 2024 XR Fan Experience

XR Fan Experience to
Uncanny Alley: A New Day
by Stephen Butchko & Rick Treweek

For placing the audience at the center of the story and of the experience, and giving the user the opportunity to shape the tone of the adventure and the personality of their character, always finding someone on the other side who can adapt the performance in the best ways, through skillful use of improvisation and dynamics reminiscent of those in role-playing games

Fanheart3 awards 2024 honorable mention

Honorable mention to Nightmara: Episode 3 by Gianpaolo Gonzalez

For the potentially transmedia approach to a story and characters that it is easy to become attached to and that you want to follow in other adventures


Cristina Saccon

Jury president

She is a founding member and current president of fanheart3. Active member of several online fan communities, she produces fanarts and graphics prompts under pseudonyms. She came up with the fanhunt, fanheart3’s fandom treasure hunt, and the fan cafés, fan get-togethers in various Italian locations

Socio fondatore di fanheart3, fanwriter e fanartist

Sara Bezzetto

Founding members of fanheart3, she is passionate about indie video games and is an active contributor to fan communities dedicated to gaming and the creation of genre videogames, with a focus on horror

Presidente fanheart3, fandom studies researcher, VR explorer

Agnese Pietrobon

Founding member of fanheart3, she ideated ficsIT, the first Italian convention dedicated to fanfiction. She is a former independent researcher with publications in the field of fandom studies and now her work focuses on storytelling and immersive technologies for the international website XRMust

Presidente fanheart3, fandom studies researcher, VR explorer

Laura Casagrande

She works in digital marketing with specialisation in film and publishing. Over the years she has collaborated with radio stations, magazines and blogs in the film industry. She is currently editor and content creator for the film web magazine My Red Carpet, for which she edited a podcast on costume design

Attore teatrale ed esperto di comunicazione

Francesca Ranaldo

Psychologist, she is passionate about historical fandoms and an expert on LGBTQIA+ dynamics in film and social issues

Attore teatrale ed esperto di comunicazione

The 2024 Prize

In light of the current worrying environmental situation, fanheart3 has once again opted for an ecological award. To celebrate our winners, we have made a donation on their behalf to Wow Nature, an Italian initiative run by researchers, experts and creative people with the aim of helping citizens, institutions and companies to grow new forests and protect existing ones.

For a second edition Fanheart3 chose to support a local craftsman, Mario and Matteo Favaro, who provided the frames containing the award certificates. Visit Mario Favaro’s website to find out more about their art.

Download the press releases

Previous editions' winners

Honorable mentions

"Quando parliamo di prodotti 'da fan' non stiamo riducendo automaticamente il livello qualitativo delle produzioni vincitrici, definendole 'per le masse'. Anzi, vogliamo evidenziare qualcosa in più che questi film hanno, oltre al loro valore artistico. Molti di questi film presentano delle caratteristiche che potrebbero farli notare anche oltre i confini dei Festival e del circuito cinefilo e trasformarli in piccoli (o grandi) cult, in grado di influenzare non solamente la successiva produzione cinematografica, ma anche la cultura a 360 gradi e, con essa, la società e le situazioni sociali che ogni giorno ci ritroviamo ad affrontare"
"When we talk about productions 'for fans', we are not automatically lowering their quality level by calling them 'for the masses'. On the contrary, we want to highlight something more that these productions have, in addition to their artistic value. Many present characteristics that could make them stand out even beyond the boundaries of festivals and the cinephile circuit and turn them into small (or big) cult products. Not only could they influence subsequent artistic productions. They could also have an all-round impact on culture and, with it, on society and the social situations we face every day'.

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