Installazioni VR candidate ai fanheart3 awards
VR Experiences nominated to fanheart3 awards
Le installazioni VR candidate gareggeranno per il premio /// The nominated VR experiences will run for the award:

Esperienza VR da Fan
VR Fan Experience
Per scoprire di più sulle esperienze VR in concorso, clicca qui /// To find out more about the VR experiences in competition click here
Per scoprire di più sui fanheart3 awards, clicca qui /// To find out more about fanheart3 awards click here
–> Per scoprire i film selezionati per il concorso | To find out which movies are nominated: link
Approfondimento sulle esperienze VR candidate
Inside the nominated VR experiences

Ghost in the Shell: Ghost Chaser
Directed by Hiroaki Higashi
Production I.G | Japan | VR Theate, 8′
Nella Republica del Kuzan il Ministero della Difesa, che deve partecipare ad un meeting del consiglio di coordinazione per l’arma della prossima generazione, ha ordinato un’ispezione sul sito. La Sezione 9 della pubblica sicurezza, capitatanata dal Maggiore Motoko Kusanagi, deve rendere sicura l’area da una sospetta minaccia terroristica.
In the Kuzan Republic, the Minister of Defense, who is expected to take part in a meeting of the Next-generation Weapon Coordination Council, has ordered an advance onsite inspection. Public Security Section 9, headed by Major Motoko Kusanagi, must secure the area and clear it from a rumored terrorist threat.

Gloomy Eyes
Directed by Jorge Tereso & Fernando Maldonado
Atlas V
France | Installation, 18′

A Linha
Directed by Ricardo Laganaro
Arvore Immersive Experiences | Brazil | Stand up, 13’

Directed by Ollie Rankin
Pansensory Interactive | Canada | Stand up, 8’
Due amici costruiscono uno scanner per digitalizzare la gente. Con loro sorpresa funziona e ora TU sei intrappolato dentro un computer e devi capire come scappare.
Two friends build a makeshift scanner to digitize people. To their surprise, it works and now YOU are trapped inside a computer, trying to work out how to escape.

Doctor Who: the Edge of Time
Directed by Marcus Moresby
Maze Theory | UK | Standup, 30’

Wolves in the Walls: it's all over
Directed by Pete Billington
Fable | USA | Stand up, 20′

Pagan Peak VR
Directed by Ioulia Isserlis & Max Sacker
AnotherWorld VR | Germany | 45’
Pagan peak vr takes the player on a journey to the darkest corners of the human mind. The player finds themselves in a mysterious alpine cabin, captured by the krampus killer.

The Key
Directed by Celine Tricart
Lucid Dreams Productions
| USA | Installation, 20′
“La Chiave” è un’esperienza interattiva che mixa teatro immersivo e virtual reality. Il partecipante va in un viaggio esplorando i sogni e deve affrontare le sfide e le decisioni difficili di ognuna di queste, affrontando la perdita
‘The Key’ is an interactive experience mixing immersive theater and virtual reality. The participant goes on a journey exploring dreams, and must face challenges and difficult decisions in each, experiencing loss.

Directed by Eric Darnell
Baobab | USA | Stand up, 20′

Directed by Kiira Benzing
Double Eye Studios | USA | Installation, 60’
LOVESEAT is a romantic comedy about Abby and Bruce who compete for the love of an armchair on the reality show “The Perfect Partner.”
Part-story, part-interaction between virtual and real worlds, the actors perform simultaneously in front of a live audience and a virtual audience.